We are 5S Training, Consultancy and Certification Organisation.
We are based out of Ghaziabad and provide our services in Delhi, Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad and anywhere else in India.
We provide 5S consultancy to manufacturing and service industries and help them in its easy implementation.
Our 5S training programs are best in class and we follow the Japanese model.
We help industries getting 5S certification in the quickest possible time.
5S System
5S is a Japanese methodology for workplace improvement.
It is widely used in industries specially manufacturing sectors including all functions of the organisation (i.e. production, maintenance, storage, despatch, HR, admin etc.) all over the world.
Its methodology is equally beneficial to service sectors/industries.
It helps in performing activities efficiently, effectively and with higher safely by keeping things at right place and maintaining the workplace clean (spic and span).

5S Principles
5 'S' in Japanese are five step process namely - (1) Seiri, (2) Seiton, (3) Seiso, (4) Seiketsu, and (5) Shitsuke.
5S in English means- (1) Sort, (2) Set in Order, (3) Shine, (4) Standardize and (5) Sustain.
5S in Hindi is translated as displayed in the following table:

5S Methodology
5S methodology is an integral part of Lean Manufacturing, the vehicle production system (Toyota Production System) of Toyota Motor Corporation. It is Toyota’s way of making things better continuously with the objective of delivering vehicles in the quickest and most efficient way.
The Toyota Production System (TPS) consists of two pillars: (1) “Jidoka”: it means automation with a human touch i.e., when a problem occurs, the production process stops immediately to prevent producing defective products (2) "Just-in-Time": It means that the process produces only what is needed for the next process in a continuous flow.
5S manufacturing has made Toyota one of the most highly efficient, clean, well-organised car manufacturing company in the world. It has also benefited Toyota by committing less mistake, less interruptions, less accidents, less waiting time etc. 5S principles can be applied in any industry, any production line, any manufacturing facilities or any service organisation. Its approach can also be applied well even in one's personal life to help organize oneself better at home.
5S Implementation in Industry
Stage1. Seiri – Sort
‘Seiri’ means sorting i.e., segregating what is necessary and what is not, with an aim to reduce clutter, making a safe workplace, maximizing space and efficiency. After the stage of sorting is completed, employers are often found to be surprised at the large number of unneeded items identified that were occupying space. Their disposal also has always added good money to the organisation. 'Red tag' technique and making dedicated red zone for disposing unwanted materials are always good helpful tips while implementing this stage.
Stage 2. Seiton – Systematize
‘Seiton’ means systematizing or straightening or creating a place for everything and everything stays in its place. Use proper labelling/tagging system on items/racks/storage with an aim to quickly locate items when required. While implementing ‘Seiton’, think of material flow, quantity required and time, and, analyse them to design the storage facility accordingly. FIFO (first in first out) is a good technique used at this stage.
Stage 3. Seiso – Shine
‘Seiso’ means shine or spic and span i.e., cleaning and tidying every space and item in the entire organisation. Also fix problems in equipment and machineries that might get noticed during the cleaning program. Periodic (daily/weekly/monthly) cleaning program throughout the organisation involving everyone is one of the best practices useful during implementation of this stage.
Stage 4. Seiketsu – Standardize
‘Seiketsu’ means standardize or creating a safe, efficient and successful practices/rules in form of documentations, instructions, templates, checklists, visual displays etc. It helps in easy sharing/training of the organisational 5S best practices among team members and replicating them effectively in other locations, sites, departments or zones. This stage helps developing rules in order to hold employees accountable.
Stage 5. Shitsuke – Sustain
‘Shitsuke‘ means sustaining and constantly improving the workplace management system in a company. This is a never-ending process and the most important and difficult part of 5s implementation process. Integrate 5S system with the organisational kaizen process for a better result and sustenance.
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